24 March 2014

House inspection with site supervisor

Today, we came to site to meet our site supervisor, Andy, for a house inspection. When we got there the subcontractor guys still doing the roof truss and it got delayed a bit due to the materials delivered late. Hoping the roof truss completed soon so roof battens can go on next (maybe by Friday) then roof tiles next week maybe (please don't rain). At this stage we don't have a handover date but 163 days from site work is on our contract so that means it could be around mid August if the weather are all good.

So Andy didn't notice the incorrect doors and wardrobes height throughout the house (cause he have like 18 other houses to look after at once) so we mentioned about the height he checked his plans and confirmed all doors should be at extended height. He said it is an easy fix and assured it will be done.

At the inspection we learnt that we may have a slight issue in terms of air conditioning outlets might be placed at the spot we going to install our additional down lights after the handover. Apparently, Plantation Homes doesn't tell their aircon subcontractor where to place the outlets as the subcontractor usually place at a spot where they think works best in each area. The upside is Andy can give us their aircon guys contact for us to request where the outlets to be placed hopefully everything will work out fine else we need plan B which we don't have yet :(

On the other hand, we have good news for our neighbour on the right that now can install the fence which was placed on hold until our house frames are up. Now they can have their 'privacy' and so will we :) We have booked our subcontractor for this Saturday but also depends on the weather.

We returned to site this afternoon and took some photos of the roof truss. It looks they only need to finish off the truss at the Garage then most probably battens will be on tomorrow.

And on Saturday we came back to Carpet Call and had a look at the carpets for the rooms. Indeed, it has been a challenge trying to find the 'right' carpet that goes with the timber flooring and has the technology where you drop liquids on the carpet it doesn't soak in straight away and you can easily wipe it off without staining the carpet. We finally found the carpet that have both of these and with a good price we got offered we surely did pay the deposit and got this ticked off the to-do list :)

Example of stain free' carpets

Front door

Roof on top of piers

Side view

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