25 April 2014

Plaster walls are up!! Well nearly finished :)

Though it is another slowwww week which they only did small jobs here and there at the beginning of the week but they finally put up the plaster walls towards the end of the week! They are not yet fully done. Still needs to finish off the Master Suite, the Entry and other little areas but so glad the walls are up. Just a sign to say we are more than half way through :))

We noticed all the powerpoints pre-wiring the Electrician placed very closed to the edge of the wall and looks a little higher than the normal height. Also, the light switch at the front door he placed literally RIGHT NEXT to the edge of the wall! What's wrong with this Electrician guy? Hubby doesn't like it at all as on our electrical plan it does not shows to place right next to the edge! So we're planning to pop in on the weekends and try to move the light switch plate to about 20cm away from the edge of the wall before the remaining plaster wall goes up. Hopefully he doesn't notice it. 

What we could have done differently at the Electrical Meeting is to tell them exactly where to put the powerpoints and light switches that is with the measurements so the Electrician guy can follow that instead of estimating and place at the spots where he THINKS it looks like on the plan. I guess we didn't really think it matters as such until we see it now when the plaster walls are up :((

Looking inside from the front door

Master Suite half done

Dining room

Looking at the alfresco

Living room

Bed 4

Bedroom hallway

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