29 April 2014

The joy in finding out the plaster walls are finally finished

Last Sunday, we pop around to our site planning to move the light switch plate at the front door to about 20cm away from the edge of the wall as the Electrician guy placed the plate so close to the edge which it looks kind of funny! So we pop in and found they actually FINISHED the plaster walls on Saturday!! And so we couldn't move the plate which was a buggar! Now we just need to make a call to the Electrician guy to let him know where we want the light switch to be before he poke the holes and install the light switches. Hopefully he's happy to do it without charging us.

Tonight, we pop around the site after dinner as it was on way home and saw someone wandering in front of our site with their torch. He was actually the brick layer guy just popping around to check on the site first before he starts the job this Friday. Yes, this Friday! Whoohooo! Long wait for the brick wall to go up but we don't get to see the completion until Tuesday.

Well very soon Plantation will lock the entrance doors which we no longer can pop in after hours or on the weekends unless during their work hours.

25 April 2014

Plaster walls are up!! Well nearly finished :)

Though it is another slowwww week which they only did small jobs here and there at the beginning of the week but they finally put up the plaster walls towards the end of the week! They are not yet fully done. Still needs to finish off the Master Suite, the Entry and other little areas but so glad the walls are up. Just a sign to say we are more than half way through :))

We noticed all the powerpoints pre-wiring the Electrician placed very closed to the edge of the wall and looks a little higher than the normal height. Also, the light switch at the front door he placed literally RIGHT NEXT to the edge of the wall! What's wrong with this Electrician guy? Hubby doesn't like it at all as on our electrical plan it does not shows to place right next to the edge! So we're planning to pop in on the weekends and try to move the light switch plate to about 20cm away from the edge of the wall before the remaining plaster wall goes up. Hopefully he doesn't notice it. 

What we could have done differently at the Electrical Meeting is to tell them exactly where to put the powerpoints and light switches that is with the measurements so the Electrician guy can follow that instead of estimating and place at the spots where he THINKS it looks like on the plan. I guess we didn't really think it matters as such until we see it now when the plaster walls are up :((

Looking inside from the front door

Master Suite half done

Dining room

Looking at the alfresco

Living room

Bed 4

Bedroom hallway

15 April 2014

Minor works being done..

Last week has been incredibly slow due to the wet weather. We thought Plantation might be doing the brick walls because some days were sunny but they didn't. At least they done the followings though:
  • Gas pipe lines
  • Plumbing pipe lines
  • Flexible aluminum foil air ducts for air conditioning
  • Electrical pre-wiring
  • Stuck some stuff on the windows and bi-fold doors so when they lock the doors we can't see anything inside from the outside
We drove past the site this afternoon to see if any work being done sadly nothing was done apart from seeing something large delivered and placed at the Garage. Our guess is the plaster walls so hopefully we will be seeing something tomorrow.

Plumber pipes for basin mixer

Electrical pre-wiring

Flexible aluminium foil air ducts for air conditioning

Plumbing pipes for kitchen sink, dishwasher etc

Cornice delivered

Gotta be the plaster walls!

05 April 2014

We have a ROOF! Door! Windows! :)

Finally, the house is getting less 'naked' :)

This week quite a few things being done to the house. As usual it is just exciting to see things moving. So what we noticed being done this week so far were:
  • Tile roof completed
  • Windows installed
  • Laundry door in
  • Door to garage installed
  • Bi-fold doors at Alfresco in
  • Door frames height adjusted!
  • Insulation installed
  • Skylight at Media installed
  • Hot water solar panel installed on roof
  • Bath tub frames in
  • A wall at Master Suite WIR installed
With the tile roof installed and the door frames height adjusted to the extended height the interior looks much more spacious than the first time we walked around when the frames just went up. It just looks much better inside. We're pretty glad that we upgraded all internal and wardrobe doors to the extended height 2340mm. When they first got the frames up with the door frames being at incorrect height 2100mm (standard) the ceiling looks pretty low. It funny how the door heights could make quite a difference.

We also upgraded all internal doors from standard flush panel to Corithian Deco 2D and one of these doors has been installed at the garage. It has not been painted but it will looks great when it is.

We LOVEEE the Bi-fold doors at Alfresco!! It makes the area much more open and spacious when it all open up. Imagine sitting and relax on the sofa with a book and a cup of hot T2 tea one afternoon how nice would that be? :)

Completed tiled roof :))

Looking at front entrance door

The Entry

Master Suite windows installed

Master Suite additional windows installed

Cavity sliding door frame at WIR installed (extended height)

Corithian Deco 2D unpainted (extended height)

Skylight for Media room. Required as the room situated in the middle of the house where no window can be installed

Laundry door unpainted

Living room next to Laundry room

Dining room with plaster niche on the right wall

Ahhh.. our lovely bi-fold doors at Alfresco (unpainted) :))

And wide opened bi-fold doors :))

Closed bi-fold doors from backyard

Extended internal door height frames

Bed 3 window (same as bed 2)

Bath tub frame